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Euler Project - Problem 1

Restarting my journey to solve the problems in This will be the very first.

Multiples of 3 and 5

Problem 1

If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.

To tackle this problem, there are a few approaches but the straight forward one is to consider:

  1. The multiples of 3 below 1000
  2. The multiples of 5 below 1000
  3. The sum of the union of the two sets of multiples

Now that is basically

sum of 1 plus sum of 2 minus the repeating elements

The progression of these multiples are what we call the arithmethic series. And their sum is given by arithmeticprogression

## Function to calculate sum of multiples
def sum_of_multiples(a_1, n, d):
  return (n/2)*(2*a_1 + (n-1)*d)

To use the equation above, we need the first term, the number of terms and the common difference.

The first term and the common difference is trivial in both cases.

For 3, 6, 9, … First term = 3, common difference = 3

For 5, 10, 15, … First term = 5, common difference = 5

To find the number of terms, it is suffice to calculate

floor ( 999/common_difference )

## Find the number of terms

n_threes = int(999/3)
n_fives  = int(999/5)

print("Number of 3 multiples below 1000 = " + str(n_threes))
print("Number of 5 multiples below 1000 = " + str(n_fives))
Number of 3 multiples below 1000 = 333
Number of 5 multiples below 1000 = 199

Now we have all the terms we needed, we can proceed to calculate the sums of the multiples

threes_sum = int(sum_of_multiples(3, n_threes, 3))
fives_sum = int(sum_of_multiples(5, n_fives, 5))

print("Sum of 3 multiples below 1000 = " + str(threes_sum))
print("Sum of 5 multiples below 1000 = " + str(fives_sum))
Sum of 3 multiples below 1000 = 166833
Sum of 5 multiples below 1000 = 99500

Finally we still need to minus off the repeating elements, which is

Sum of multiples of 15 below 1000

So we calculate the same for 15

n_fifteen = int(999/15)
fifteen_sum = int(sum_of_multiples(15, n_fifteen, 15))

print("Number of 15 multiples below 1000 = " + str(n_fifteen))
print("Sum of 15 multiples below 1000 = " + str(fifteen_sum))
Number of 15 multiples below 1000 = 66
Sum of 15 multiples below 1000 = 33165

Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.

sum = threes_sum + fives_sum - fifteen_sum

print("Sum = " + str(threes_sum) + " + " + str(fives_sum) + " - " + str(fifteen_sum))
print("Sum = " + str(sum))
Sum = 166833 + 99500 - 33165
Sum = 233168

Which is the number we wanted to find.

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